Even better than the original boardgame. I hope to have french localization soon. Just one thing miss : the card text of each location in the museum to obtain absolute climax.
Even better than the original boardgame. I hope to have french localization soon. Just one thing miss : the card text of each location in the museum to obtain absolute climax.
Very addictive but in french please. I m blocked. Thxxxx.
the board game has been well transferred to its electronic counterpart :o)
Great version of the board game..Im sure it will only get better! Too bad I thought this was for iPad, now I have to buy it again when the HD version is released...also, app releases should all be universal...just a suggestion... Keep the quality digital board games coming!
Just as much fun as the board game.
I just bought the card game two weeks ago and this is an excellent adaptation on the iPhone!
Great game! I havent played the box version of Elder Sign but I play Arkham Horror regularly and this captures the feel of the Lovecraft mythos well. Worth the price!
This may be a good game with lots of nuance and strategy, but since I cant even seem to properly load all of the tutorial videos, it seems like Ill never know. I own both the HD and the regular version of this game and BOTH of them crash EVERY time I try to load the Map or HUD tutorial on multiple devices. Im a huge fan of Fantasy Flight Games and have found that their boardgames are, almost without exception, some of the best ones you can buy. Maybe in time, they will approach the same degree of quality in their digital offerings. But for now - Id say save your money.
I dont own the board game but own Arkham Horror, and this game captures the feeling well in lite form. I find the game too easy and not punishing/hopeless enough. Also not enough "this roll either makes us or breaks us" moments. I only lost my first game and that was cause I was trying to learn the rules. But I won with random teams for the next 4 gameswith an average score of 4600. I wonder if there is a way to make it more difficult??? Spells cost insanity to cast in Arkham horror, maybe it should the same in Omens? Fun game to play on the subway. Some light tactical decision making.
Careful, the game doesnt work in the 2nd generation Ipod touch, its hard to tell apart from 3rd gen. Youd need to check model numbers.
This is a fun little game, and I dont regret buying it; but these are some things you should know before buying it yourself. A) this is a long play game. You will not be able to finish a game while waiting at most bus stops. Resuming a game in progress isnt a problem at all. B) only one great big baddie. In the Dice game you can face a couple of different over reaching foes with different tricks. C) the details of play are complex enough they felt video tutorials of each bit was the way to go. The art is great and the mood they go for works.
Excellent adaptation for the iPhone!
Im a Cthulhu fanboy and own every game shy of the word game... So I was happy to see that FFG was making this game an app! It did not disappoint at all!!!
It would have been nice to pay this much for a game that was ACTUALLY WINNABLE but sadly, this is not that game. The ONLY people who claim to have won, have done so brcause they followed a walkthrough. Thats not playing, thats a waste of time and money. If your idea of fun is a massively frustrating waste of time, then this game is for you...
Played a few rounds, love it so far!
The game can be easy or difficult depending on your choice of characters. Still I prefer great challenges to easier ones. I hope they add a few more bosses like in the boxed game. Other than that, great game !
I own the board game and Im a huge fan of it. Omens is a great introduction to the table top version for anyone interested in it but as much as I love the iOS version it is far to easy! Please add extra GOOs to make the game more varied and challenging and while youre at it why not add allies like in the table top game as well as more locations???? FFG I hope youre listening to these reviews and look forward to more iOS versions of your games... ahem, Mansion of Madness or Dust Tactics? Great game over all. Its the most played game on my iPod and at the table.
Excellent game, same as the boardgame but please just one Ancient????
The game is really good. Tons of fun for a group of people. No complaints on ux. Great sound effects. But only one ancient? Hopefully FFG will expand this.
Nice to have a new free Ancient One and other stuff.