Im so surprised to see how low this game is rated. Its such a fantastic gameplay experience with great art and mood setting. Its smart, challenging, complex but also immensely satisfying.
I played the board game version two or three times with friends and enjoyed it, so I recently decided to pick up the video game version. First off, like the board game, the video game is not a gimme to win. Its a combination of luck, skill, and understanding of the various gameplay tactics. (Backstory, Elder sign is a simplified version of Arkham Horror, which is a six hour marathon of a game).
It took me a little while to learn the mechanics of the video game version, like how to focus the glyphs on a roll (basically, save the glyph you want). And it took even longer to get really good at learning how to select teams, how to manage resources like your spell and unique item cards, and how to send the right investigator in for a particular challenge. Sometimes luck isnt on your side and you get bad rolls, or you get loaded up on hard adventures. But sometimes it all comes together and its much more satisfying for not always being easy.
Ive gotten to the point where I can usually beat the basic games. I liked the game so much that I purchased all three expansions and I have yet to beat any of those, but Im getting close.
The expansions also give you new investigators. The Cthulhu expansion gives awesome investigators, the Alaska one has some good ones, but I wasnt excited about the investigators from the Egypt expansion (although Egypt has my favorite actual gameplay from any expansion).
In short, get this if you want to sink your teeth into a game and spend some time building your skills in it. If you want a fast game that you can play a few times, win and move on, its probably not the right pick.
Unaragazza about Elder Sign: Omens for iPhone, v1.4.4