Best translation from board to phone that I could ask for. I have a few nitpicks though.
I would have liked a tutorial instead of videos, but after I poked around the menus, Im extremely happy.
This one Im torn on. Expansions are cool and all, but the three expansions they offer here are actually the complete core game from the table top. Or at least two are. After seeing that, I felt like I paid for an incomplete game. HOWEVER: this game is a lot cheaper than most table top translation games (by half almost) so, I kind of like the idea that Im buying a smaller version to see if I like it. Which I do. And I will buy the expansions.
So, thats my cons, my pros are that its every bit the experience you get from the table top playing solo.
I highly recommend the game.
MCoverKT about Elder Sign: Omens for iPhone